The Business of Being Born

August 20, 2008

You HAVE to see this movie. Here's a description from the imdb website:

"Birth: it's a miracle. A rite of passage. A natural part of life. But more than anything, birth is a business. Compelled to find answers after a disappointing birth experience with her first child, actress Ricki Lake recruited filmmaker Abby Epstein to explore the maternity care system in America. Focusing on New York City, the film reveals that there is much to distrust behind hospital doors and follows several couples who decide to give birth on their own terms.
...Should most births be viewed as a natural life process, or should every delivery be treated as a potential medical emergency?"

The Business of Being Born

Click on this blog entry's title to be directed to the official site for the movie and click on this link to hear a very short interview with the film's executive producer, Ricki Lake:


Anonymous said...

I shared this with Melissa and she asked me to write about it here. When I was in labor with my baby who is now 8 months old, as the contractions got harder towards the end of labor I found it very helpful in my controlled breathing to moan deeply as I breathed out, working with the contractions. Today my husband, who is a massage therapist, was doing some trigger point therapy on some muscle knots in my neck. As a coping technique I practiced my controlled breathing, moaning deeply with my expelled breaths. Our little baby girl was sitting on the floor in front of me, and as soon as she heard my moans she looked up at me and smiled a big beautiful smile. I said to my husband "do you think she remembers her birth?" and he replied "well, it was a momentous occasion for her!" She seemed truly happy to hear the sounds she must have heard while in the womb preparing to be born!

Anonymous said...

I found a copy of this DVD at the library yesterday and checked it out. I was so drawn to it that I watched it the same day, and I really enjoyed it. I wasn't shocked because I've been learning about these things for a while now, but the film helped to bolster what I have learned and bring to light some things I didn't know. For anyone who has implicit trust in the medical process in the USA of childbirth, this film could really shake things up. I think it's definitely worth watching and I hope it incites a lot more discussion on the subject. I'm really grateful for this film for bringing these things to light in a very accessible medium, and in the very least I hope it gets people talking and considering what really is best for mothers and babies.